Project Description
NOI: New Opportunities of Inclusion
Project Number: 2022-1-IT03-KA210-YOU-000082861
Objectives: The project “NOI – New Opportunities of Inclusion” has as aim the sharing of tools and methods to support and involve young people with mental disabilities in activities that enhance their communication skills and opportunities, as well as their decision making and European citizenship competences. The main objective of the project is a protocol on the inclusion of young people with autism in youth projects with non-formal education.
Partner Organisations:
- Iasis
- Anffas Torino-Associazione locale di famiglie e persone con disabilità intellettiva e disturbi del neurosviluppo
- Manisa Ozel Egitim Uygulama Okulu III. Kademe
Target Group:
Youth workers, young people, parents
Project Results:
Best Practices
Long-term protocol