Project Description
IASIS NGO, in cooperation with the Nostos, has been operating since December 2011, a Shelter for Temporary Asylum Seekers with a capacity of 70 persons. The operation of the Shelter is part of the project “Hosting and Supporting Refugees” with the co-financing of the European Refugee Fund 2011 and the Ministry of Labor Social Security & Welfare.
The Shelter hosted 70 people (20 families) of which 34 were children. In addition to their daily diet and housing, the facility houses an integrated psychosocial service, which addresses the psychosocial issues of the occupants individually, promotes their psycho-education in a co-creation framework, organizes actions that prepare them for a smooth integration into Greek reality, but also enhance the individual abilities of both adults and children.
Additional actions are supported by the volunteer network of actors. It also envisages the employment of mediators, not just interpreters, as well as the provision of legal information-support services. At the same time, the structure promotes community awareness on minority issues through targeted networking interventions (businesses, schools, parishes) in order to combat stereotypes around this target group.