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So far iasis has created 693 blog entries.

PINOLO: TPM in Liverpool & Final Conference

Project: PINOLO Professional training of unemployed artistsProject Number: 2020-1-UK01-KA204-079024In the context of the PINOLO project, that targets the training and reintroduction into society of unemployed artists, partners gathered in the Liverpool on the 8th of June, England for the Final Meeting of the project. Hosts and coordinators of the project, SAFE, presented the

The importance of self-compassion in improving self-relatedness and quality of life, in people with cancer.

Self-compassion, as defined by Neff (2003), refers to the individual's ability to treat himself exactly as he would treat a loved one in a time of need: with kindness, warmth and acceptance. In other words, it is a general attitude of understanding and acceptance towards the sides of ourselves in moments of pain or

Money does grow on trees.

Some people like the colour green as it is synonymous with money. Who would not want to have more money to be able to live a more comfortable life? Aside from the association with money, green is closely related to living environments such as green spaces. Greenspaces are inclusions or sections of plants

Too tall makes unsteady

It is almost a staple for cities to have skyscrapers and tall building structures. Tall buildings hold a lot to offer in the productive use of the environment and more to citizens living in those cities. Moreover, traversing that city landscape and accessing its available resources contributes to a sense of autonomy and

Homeless people and mental health

Mental health is a problem that everyone has to confront. These days, we live fast and anxious lives, and at this moment, we are more open to talking about mental problems than at any moment in history. . The World Health Organization defines mental health as “a state of mental well-being that enables people

Genetic Risk Factors and Mental Health; How your genes may put you at risk for mental health conditions.

Mental health disorders, or conditions, are common throughout the world affecting approximately 1/8 of the population. These conditions are defined by a “clinically significant disturbance in an individual’s cognition, emotional  regulation, or behavior”. Multiple conditions fall under the category of mental health disorders, the most common being anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD, schizophrenia,

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