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ELMI – Education for Labour Market Integration


Education for Labour Market Integration: Enabling Educators to Better Target Low- Qualified Adults -ELMI (2020-1-DE02-KA204-007664) is an Erasmus+ project with main objectives of the project to be: the increase of the competences of educators the development of the capacities of organisations educating adults facing multiple discrimination the identification and analysis of examples of good

DIVE IN – Preventing violent radicalization among young individuals in Europe by innovative training approaches


The European AMIF Project “DIVE IN” (Preventing violent radicalisation among young individuals in Europe by innovative training approaches) with Project Number 871087, aims at supporting local actors working particularly with young people by enhancing their knowledge and capacity to prevent and counter radicalisation (with a specific pragmatic focus on violent radicalisation).   DIVE IN will

BOOST – Global competence for advancing social inclusion and career path of vulnerable women


The BOOST project aims to foster global competence development amongst vulnerable women to advance their social inclusion and support their career pathway. Through a bespoke coaching programme presented in the form of a toolkit, BOOST will also equip professionals so that they can better support these women to use global competence to cope with

BODYTABU – Body image, psychological health and TABU concerns in migrant youth and implications for their education


The European Erasmus+ KA2 Project “BODYTABU” (Body image, psychological health and TABU concerns in migrant youth and implications for their education) with Project Number 2019-3-NO02-KA205-001540, aims to:   Develop, implement and evaluate a training package for Youth workers in education who deal with refugees and migrants in order to Increase their awareness of appearance issues,

ASSESS PLUS – Supporting skills audits in adult education through digital tools


The European Erasmus+ KA2 Project  “ASSESS PLUS” (Supporting skills audits in adult education through digital tools) with Project Number 2019-1-FR01-KA204-062263,  aims to support Skills Audits in adult education through innovative digital tools and products to make available skills identification and screening, including the validation of skills acquired through informal and non-formal learning, and facilitate the progress

AMORAY – Assessment of Mental Health of Refugees and Asylum seekers by Youth Workers


The European Erasmus+ KA2 Project  “AMORAY” (Assessment of Mental Health of Refugees and Asylum seekers by Youth Workers) with Project Number 2019-1-UK01-KA205-061359, proposes a training and development program for Youth Workers, aiming to recognize their role in the mental health provision to Young Migrants, Refugees and Asylum seekers (YMRA). Based on a needs analysis

AMEDY – Active Media Education for Disabled Youth


The European Erasmus+ KA2 Youth Project AMEDY (Active Media Education for Disabled Youth) with Project Number 2018-3-DE04-KA205-017101, deals with the challenges of the digital world for young people with developmental disabilities and with the requirements of the professionals working with this target group. The aim of the project is to support these children and

A Part of EU 2.0


The European Erasmus+ KA2 Project “A PART OF EU 2.0” with Project Number 2019-2-ES02-KA205-013603, focuses on one of the EU's greatest challenges: achieving the integration of Migrant and Minority Youth (MMY) into society, through their active participation. As the proportion of migrant and/or minority youth in Europe has increased, the problems and difficulties in

Ευρωπαϊκή Εθελοντική Υπηρεσία


Η ΑμΚΕ  ΊΑΣIΣ ως πιστοποιημένος φορέας υποδοχής και αποστολής Εθελοντών στο Ευρωπαϊκό πλαίσιο European Voluntary Service – EVS, φιλοξενεί και εκπαιδεύει μέσα από ένα ολοκληρωμένο σύστημα 10 εθελοντές προερχόμενους από όλη την Ευρώπη. Από το 2014 έως σήμερα η ΑμΚΕ ΙΑΣΙΣ έχει υλοποιήσει τα εξής προγράμματα : Soul trip, Experience and Challenge, Follow your

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