During the week 7th – 11th of June 2021,  Epeka Slovenia hosted an international training activity for educational staff in the project ELMI (Education for Labour Market Integration). During the activity were held training workshops for educational staff and also visited several good practices in Maribor:

  • Andragogical Institute Maribor
  • Šent
  • Red Cross Maribor
  • Borstnik Programme of Social Activation
  • Romano Pralipe
  • Dame Cooperative and Romani Kafenava

Thus on the one hand the activity addressed increasing the competences and knowledge of partners’ staff and on the other seeing good practices in the field and networking with local stakeholders.

The project is coordinated by Epeka Berlin and the partners are Epeka Slovenia, IASIS (Greece), FEIO (Poland), ROMNI APS (Italy) and Epeka Serbia.