Project Description

Place and Train program was a European program, more specifically a GRUNDVICH MULTILATERAL PROJECT, funded by the Education Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), which involved organizations from England, Spain, the Netherlands, Lithuania, and Greece.

This program created a guide for mental health professionals to provide methods, tools and best practices for placing their beneficiaries in the labor market, supporting them before and during their work, as well as developing them. and improving their personal and non-professional skills.

The program was based on the “Individual Placement and Support” (IPS) model. According to the IPS model, job placement comes first, followed by education / training in the workplace, as well as individual support in the workplace. The innovation of this model is that it focuses on the need to educate and support the individual after being placed in a job, thereby increasing the likelihood of maintaining that position.

The Place and Train program benefits both mental health professionals and their beneficiaries. In particular, the long-term impact of the program will be to increase the quality of services provided to people with mental health problems so that they can work and develop their non-professional skills through access to lifelong learning opportunities.